Findshare.cmd returns the NetBios share name for a given ip address. It is similar to NBTSTAT, but it checks for host availability of the given ip address before running NBTSTAT, resulting in highest “netbios ping” rates when running against serially-generated ip addresses.
REM %1 Has to be an ip address, such as PING -n 1 -w 100 %1 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 NBTSTAT -A %1
Save this code snippet as findshare.cmd inside a folder in your path, and call the script as findshare.cmd
The above script can be run in any MS-Windows or MS-DOS computer having NBTSTAT and PING installed (tipically, any Windows 3.0-Windows 8 computer with networking installed). Call it “FindShare.bat” if you want it to run in a windows prior to 2K.
But, in order to make it useful, you'd better call it with a FOR /L loop, which not available in windows 3.x, 95, 98 or Me (you need NT4, 2K, XP, Vista, 7 or 8 to make it work):
for /L %A in (1,1,255) do call findshare.cmd 192.168.1.%A
(substitute 192.168.1. with your IP address range).
MiPingScan makes a PING call inside the range.
It requires sed
for MS-WINDOWS (install ssed and rename it into sed
to get a sed
for MS-Windows, or install gnuwin32, or UnixUtils to get a bunch of unixlike command-line utilities including sed, or, if you want to run a complete unixlike environment inside windows, consider using cygwin ).
In the next lines, substitute 192.168.1.x for your LAN ip range.
rem pings all network from to 1921.168.1.254 rem this requires sed installed. echo off for /L %%a in (1,1,253) do ping -n 1 -w 40 192.168.1.%%a |sed -e ":a;N;s/.\n//;s /[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*\([(][^()]*[)]\).*$/\1 --> \2/g; ta" arp -a
The output of the utility is something like: --> (100% perdidos) --> (100% perdidos) --> (0% perdidosTiempos aproximados de ida y vuelta en milisegundos : Mínimo = 114ms, Máximo = 114ms, Media = 114ms --> (100% perdidos) --> (0% perdidosTiempos aproximados de ida y vuelta en milisegundos : Mínimo = 1ms, Máximo = 1ms, Media = 1ms --> (100% perdidos) --> (100% perdidos) --> (100% perdidos)
followed by an arp -a
that shows the ethernet mac addresses.