Then the KNIGHT smiles and you understand the deep hate against you in his heart.
When you speak with the WITCH, she invites you to taste the delicious bat wing soup.
Guessing your flesh is not tender enough, the GIANT WOLF growls and says: 'go southwest'.
What do you think the WEREWOLF could say you?
* muestray.bat (Ms-Dos file to show help files. It could be done in basic, but this way was easier).
* @echo off
if not %1.==. set palabras="%1"
if not %2.==. set palabras="%1 %2"
if not %3.==. set palabras="%1 %2 %3"
type ayuda.ave|find %palabras%
set palabras=
* Descripc.txt (file with object descriptions, each object in the corresponding line)
The Sword is a weapon that causes 2d6 damage points
The Cauldron smells delicious. But inside it you see small floating black membranes...