20 PRINT "In a far place, in those ancient times when the world was young" 25 PRINT "and the wiser men believed in magic, a young man born that " 30 PRINT "soon standed out for his skils to invoke good spirits and" 35 PRINT "expelling evils." 40 PRINT " Kings and Knights summoned him to palaces and battlefields," 45 PRINT "and his name was uttered with reverence in all the land that" 50 PRINT "the gaze of the hawk covers." 55 PRINT " One day, when this hero was returning home from a long war," 60 PRINT "he found his home in ruins, his family dead. That was the track" 65 PRINT "of the bloody Lord of Moloch, knight without land, who seeded" 70 PRINT "destruction all over the country." 75 PRINT " Our hero sweared revenge and, before the tombs of his kin," 80 PRINT "cried against God so loud he would deserve to be expelled from " 85 PRINT "wold if he didn't sacrifice his life in this quest." 90 PRINT 95 PRINT "Press any key" 100 IN$=INKEY$:IF IN$="" THEN GOTO 100 105 LUG=2:CHAIN "avengraf.bas",8000,ALL 110 PRINT " This is what remains of a willage that span all over" 115 PRINT "the fertile valley" 120 NORTE=3:SUR=6:ESTE=0:OESTE=0:IF O$(2)="" THEN O$(2)="Sword":OP%(2)=2 125 CHAIN"avengraf.bas",8020,ALL 130 REM Third screen 135 PRINT " This is the road that goes to the last castle the" 140 PRINT "Lord of Moloch conquered." 145 NORTE=4:SUR=2:ESTE=0:OESTE=0:MON$="KNIGHT":EMINI=10:MONSAL=1:DA=3 150 CHAIN"avengraf.bas",8020,ALL 155 REM 4th screen 160 PRINT " To the west you see the huge mass of the fortress." 165 OESTE=5:SUR=3:ESTE=0:NORTE=0 170 CHAIN"avengraf.bas",8020,ALL 175 REM 5th 180 PRINT "The entry gate is before you. You feel your victory is close"." 185 'END 190 END 200 REM 6th screen=south of 2nd 210 PRINT "Before you is Witchwood." 220 NORTE=2:SUR=7:ESTE=8:OESTE=9 230 CHAIN"avengraf.bas",8020,ALL 240 REM 7th screen=cauldron 250 PRINT "In a wood clearing, there is a cauldron smoking in the moonlight." 260 IF O$(7)="" THEN O$(7)="Cauldron":OP%(7)=7 270 MON$="the WITCH":MONSAL=0:EMINI=5:DA=2 280 NORTE=6:SUR=0:ESTE=0:OESTE=0 290 CHAIN"avengraf.bas",8020,ALL 300 REM 8th screen 310 PRINT "The dangerouns Witchwood spans before you." 320 MON$="el LOBO GIGANTE":MONSAL=0:EMINI=15 330 NORTE=0:SUR=0:ESTE=0:OESTE=6:DA=4 340 CHAIN "avengraf.bas",8020,ALL 350 REM 9th screen 360 PRINT "The wood becomes dangerous under full moon..." 370 PRINT "" 380 MON$="the WEREWOLF":MONSAL=1:EMINI=10:DA=4 390 NORTE=0:SUR=0:ESTE=6:OESTE=0 400 CHAIN "avengraf.bas",8020,ALL 9999 FINED LINE NUMBER